In Tompkins Square Park there live a group of very argumentative squirrels, whose leader lives a solitary yet philosophical life in a wooden pagoda.

Kalan and his friends help them understand each other: (extract from chapter "March 5th")

Shin had spoken to one pair of squirrels who had been arguing over who had the strongest tail.

“The challenge of developing an inner strength of mind is the most fundamental of squirrel objectives. Have faith in the squirrel within; don’t get distracted by physical irrelevances.”

The general opinion back at the drey after a lengthy debate was that Shin wanted to see who could hang the longest from a branch with their tail. Kalan started to argue with the Tompkins Park squirrels that this was not what Shin had meant, but Funni pulled him to one side and told him that as long as they were happy with their own interpretation of the advice, they wouldn’t be arguing.

“What does it matter so long as everyone is getting along.”

Kalan found that he couldn’t argue with her logic.